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How To Embed The Crypto Calculator On Your Website

A crypto calculator is a great tool to add to any website, as it can help your users better understand cryptocurrency values. Website visitors can use this calculator to input values and see the current exchange rate for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and more. It’s also beneficial to your site’s traffic as visitors can stay on the site and visit another to get the current crypto exchange rate.


How To Add A Crypto Calculator Widget On Your Website


Adding a crypto calculator widget to your website is easy and requires no coding knowledge. All you need are the following steps:

  1. Choose a crypto calculator widget provider – There are several options, such as PlasBit, so make sure you choose one that offers the types of cryptocurrencies you want to display. Most providers provide Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and other popular coins. When selecting a crypto calculator provider, look for customer support, ease of use, and customizable features like font size and color. You can then create an account on the site.

  2. Get the code – Once you’ve chosen a provider, most will give you a piece of code to copy and paste onto your website. Make sure it’s placed in the correct spots so the widget appears where you want it. Moreover, ensure that you have picked all the customizable features, such as the button color, font color, and background color, so that it appears on the code you’re generating.

  3. Embed the code – Copy and paste it into your website’s HTML or CMS and save it. The crypto calculator widget should now be visible on your website, giving visitors access to live cryptocurrency exchange rates.

  4. Test the calculator by entering some values before saving the code. This way, you can be sure that the calculator is working correctly and displaying accurate results.

How To Add A Crypto Calculator On WordPress

WordPress is a top content management system used by thousands of websites. To add a crypto calculator to your WordPress site, you’ll need to:

  1. Add a shortcode on the page – Get the crypto calculator code and copy it into a shortcode. This is an easy way to add a widget to any page or post on your WordPress site.

  2. Configure the settings – Most providers offer customizable settings such as font size, button color, and currency type. Configure these options to customize the calculator for your WordPress website.

  3. Test out the widget – Before you save the code, ensure it’s functioning correctly by entering some values into it and seeing if it displays accurate results.

Why You Should Use PlasBit Crypto Calculator

PlasBit is an excellent choice for adding a crypto calculator to your website. They offer over-top cryptocurrencies, easy integration, and customizable settings. Plus, you can rest assured knowing that the calculator is always displaying live exchange rates. PlasBit also offers 24/7 customer support to cater to your website.


Crypto Calculator

crypto trading tools