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Crypto Coin List Widget: Website Benefits Explored

Cryptocurrencies have cemented their place as a revolutionary financial instrument in the evolving digital world. With the promise of faster, cheaper money transfers and a robust decentralized system that doesn’t crumble at a single point of failure, they have attracted a considerable audience eager to tap into their potential. As more people venture into this realm, the need for accurate, real-time information is paramount. A website equipped with a crypto Coin List widget can effectively cater to this need, providing a reliable information hub for crypto enthusiasts and investors. These free widgets offer a comprehensive list of various cryptocurrencies and provide live updates on their performance, making it an invaluable feature for any website. As a website owner, incorporating this widget translates to higher user engagement and potentially more traffic. It adds an element of dynamism and relevance to your site, keeping it abreast with the ever-changing crypto landscape. Moreover, it could be an excellent way to attract a niche audience interested in cryptocurrencies. In this article, we will delve into the specifics of our Coin List Widget, exploring its unique features and the benefits it can bring to your site. Furthermore, we will guide you through adding the widget’s HTML code to primary Content Management System (CMS) platforms. By the end of this piece, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how this widget can enhance your website’s functionality and user engagement and how to integrate it into your site seamlessly. So, whether you are a seasoned webmaster or a novice, this article will provide valuable insights into leveraging the power of cryptocurrencies on your platform.

This free widget is a powerful tool for website owners to add functionality for site visitors. By displaying a list of cryptocurrencies prices, PlasBit Coin List widget provides your visitors with comprehensive and real-time information to make better decisions regarding their digital assets. For these reasons, it is one of the most popular crypto widgets and has the following features. 

The Crypto Profit Calculator is also an excellent widget for your website. It’s a game-changer for anyone interested in cryptocurrencies, and here’s why I think it’s such a great addition:


The widget supports a wide selection of coins, including market leaders Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), as well as a range of other altcoins (such as XRP) and stablecoins like Tether (USDT). 


The ‘Price’ feature enables users to see the current value of each coin in real-time, allowing for timely decisions to buy or sell crypto. This feature is particularly beneficial for tracking the prices of cryptocurrencies, whose volatile nature requires constant monitoring. 

24hr Change:

The crypto 24 hour change data adds a layer of depth, providing insights into the daily fluctuations of each coin selected. It can also guide user’s strategies, for instance, by identifying trends in the market

24 Volume:

The 24-hour volume data point reflects the trading volume of each coin over the past 24 hours. It indicates the coin’s liquidity and popularity, which can be critical in choosing which coin to buy.

Market Cap:

This feature gives a snapshot of the total value of a particular coin in the market. A crypto market cap calculator is beneficial for gauging the size and relevance of a coin in the crypto landscape.

7 Day Chart:

This graphic visually represents each coin’s price movements over the past week, enabling users to spot trends and patterns.

Importance of Using a Coin List

In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, staying informed is crucial. The free crypto Coin List widget is a perfect tool that lets your site visitors closely monitor the market’s most influential coins: Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and stablecoins like USDC.

Bitcoin (BTC)

Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency, has a unique influence on the market. In addition to being a digital currency, it is also a platform for smart contract creation and the production of decentralized apps (dApps). Many altcoins are built on the Ethereum blockchain, making its performance critical to these tokens. Tracking Ethereum on a coin list can provide insight into the potential performance of various altcoins and the health of the blockchain ecosystem.

Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency, has a unique influence on the market. In addition to being a digital currency, it is also a platform for smart contract creation and the production of decentralized apps (dApps). Many altcoins are built on the Ethereum blockchain, making its performance critical to these tokens. Tracking Ethereum on a coin list can provide insight into the potential performance of various altcoins and the health of the blockchain ecosystem.

Stablecoins are designed to reduce volatility by pegging their value to a specific asset, typically a fiat currency reserve like the US Dollar. As such, they offer stability in the otherwise volatile crypto market. The health and stability of stablecoins like USDC can indicate the overall confidence in the crypto market. Tracking these stablecoins with a coin list can help investors gauge the market’s stability and potential risk level.

Stablecoins are designed to reduce volatility by pegging their value to a specific asset, typically a fiat currency reserve like the US Dollar. As such, they offer stability in the otherwise volatile crypto market. The health and stability of stablecoins like USDC can indicate the overall confidence in the crypto market. Tracking these stablecoins with a coin list can help investors gauge the market’s stability and potential risk level.

User Engagement:

One of the primary advantages of incorporating a Coin List widget is increased user engagement. When users visit a website and see a real-time ticker of various cryptocurrencies, it provides them with valuable information at a glance. As a result, they are more likely to spend more time on the website, exploring other content and features. This prolonged engagement can lead to higher website traffic, lower bounce rates, and potentially increased conversions or sales.

Enhanced Functionality:

Including this widget can enhance a website’s functionality. It provides visitors real-time updates on popular coins and allows website owners to tailor the widget to match their site’s aesthetics and branding. The added functionality can set a website apart from competitors, creating a unique user experience that keeps visitors returning. You may also consider adding additional tools, such as our crypto mining and crypto profit calculators.

Establishing Authority:

Adding PlasBit Coin List widget can also help to showcase a website as an authoritative source of cryptocurrency information. With real-time updates and accurate data, visitors can trust the website for their cryptocurrency needs. The addition can bolster the website’s reputation and credibility, increasing user trust and loyalty.

Boost SEO Performance

Moreover, incorporating this widget can enhance a website’s SEO performance. The website’s organic traffic can increase, with visitors frequently returning to check the widget for updates. This trend, in turn, can boost the website’s search engine rankings, increasing visibility to potential new visitors.

Boost SEO Performance

Moreover, incorporating this widget can enhance a website’s SEO performance. The website’s organic traffic can increase, with visitors frequently returning to check the widget for updates. This trend, in turn, can boost the website’s search engine rankings, increasing visibility to potential new visitors.

Website owners concerned with coin tracker pricing will be relieved to discover that our crypto widgets are entirely free to use. They, therefore, provide a cost-effective way to add additional features and functionality to your website. 

Customizing the Coin List Widget

Creating a customized crypto list widget can be a valuable tool for your website or CMS. The customization facility enables you to tailor the widget to your website’s design and personal preferences. Here’s a step-by-step guide on customizing our widget with options like adding a coin changing the background color, text color, and language.

1. Add Coin

The first step in customizing the widget is adding the desired coin. Choose from a broad selection of coins. Look for a button or tab labeled ‘Add Coin.’ After clicking this, you can search for and select the specific coin you want to add to your widget.

2. Background Colour

After adding your coin, you can adjust the background color to match your website’s aesthetic. Navigate to the ‘Background Colour’ option in the settings. Ensure to save your changes.

3. Text Colour

As with the background color, you can also customize the text color of your widget. Find the ‘Text Colour’ option in the settings and select or input your preferred color. Remember, the text color should contrast nicely with the background for readability.

4. Language

To ensure your widget appeals to your specific audience, you can set the language in which the data is displayed. Go to the ‘Language’ setting and select your preferred language from the dropdown menu.

5. Copy the Code

Once you are satisfied with your customizations, it’s time to implement the widget on your website. Locate the ‘Website Widget’ box, which should be grey. Within this box, you’ll find a copy symbol. Click on this symbol to copy the HTML code of your customized widget. Following these steps, you can generate a personalized widget that offers valuable information and seamlessly fits your website’s overall design. It will enhance your website’s functionality and user experience, making it a valuable resource for visitors.

Implementing Crypto Coin List Widget HTML

The next step is to add the copied HTML code to your website or CMS. This process varies depending on your website builder or CMS, so we have provided guides for selecting the most popular platforms. 


WordPress, a popular CMS platform, provides a versatile platform for users to add custom HTML code. This flexibility allows you to customize your site’s appearance and functionality. Here are the steps to add the widget HTML to WordPress.

1. Sign in to your WordPress dashboard:

To begin, you will need to access your WordPress website’s backend. You do this by typing in your website’s URL and “/wp-admin” (for example, Log in with the username and password you set up during WordPress installation.

2. Select 'Pages' or 'Posts':

Once logged in, you will find yourself on your WordPress dashboard. From here, you can control every aspect of your website. Find the vertical menu on the left-hand side of your dashboard. Look for ‘Pages’ or ‘Posts,’ depending on where you want to add the HTML code. If you click ‘Pages,’ will display a list of all the pages on your website. If you click on ‘Posts,’ it will show all the blog posts.

3. Choose the page or post you want to edit:

From the list of pages or posts, choose the one you want to add the HTML code to. Hover your cursor over the post or page title, and you will reveal an ‘Edit’ option below the title. Click on ‘Edit’ to open the editor.

4. Switch from 'Visual' editor to 'Text' editor:

WordPress provides two types of editors: Visual and Text. The Visual editor is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor, which means it will display your page or post as it will appear on the front end. The Text editor, on the other hand, allows you to add and edit HTML code directly. You can switch between these two editors by clicking on the tabs in the top right corner of the editor. Click on the ‘Text’ tab to start editing the HTML code.

5. Paste your HTML code where you want it to appear:

In the Text editor, you can now paste your HTML code. Be careful with where you place your code, as it can affect the layout and design of your page or post. If you need to revert to it, it might be a good idea first to copy the existing content. 

6. Click 'Update' or 'Publish' to save your changes:

Once you have added your HTML code, you must save your changes. If your page or post was previously published, you will see an ‘Update’ button. If it’s a new page or post, you will see a ‘Publish’ button, which you can click to save your changes.

your code, as it can affect the layout and design of your page or post. If you need to revert to it, it might be a good idea first to copy the existing content. 

7. Preview your changes:

After saving, previewing your changes is always a good idea to ensure everything looks as expected. Do this by clicking the ‘Preview’ button next to the ‘Update’ or ‘Publish’ button. If everything looks good, you’re done! If not, you might need to go back and adjust your HTML code.

your code, as it can affect the layout and design of your page or post. If you need to revert to it, it might be a good idea first to copy the existing content. 

WP Using Elementor

Elementor is a powerful and popular WordPress page builder that allows even the most novice users to create stunning websites without any coding knowledge. This section will walk you through adding our widget to your WordPress site using Elementor.

your code, as it can affect the layout and design of your page or post. If you need to revert to it, it might be a good idea first to copy the existing content. 

1. Create or Edit a Page with Elementor

Next, you must decide where to add the Coin List widget. You can make a new page or edit an existing one with Elementor. Go to ‘Pages’ in your WordPress dashboard, click ‘Add New,’ or select the page you want to edit. Click on ‘Edit with Elementor’ to open the Elementor editor.

your code, as it can affect the layout and design of your page or post. If you need to revert to it, it might be a good idea first to copy the existing content. 


2. Add Shortcode Widget

In the Elementor editor, you will see a menu on the left-hand side with a list of widgets. Scroll down until you find the ‘Shortcode’ widget. Drag and drop this widget into the page area where you want to add the widget.


3. Paste the Coin List Widget HTML

Click on the Shortcode widget you just added to the page. A panel will open on the left-hand side where you can paste the widget HTML. Make sure you paste the entire code to ensure the widget works correctly.


4. Save and Preview Changes

Click on the Shortcode widget you just added to the page. A panel will open on the left-hand side where you can paste the widget HTML. Make sure you paste the entire code to ensure the widget works correctly.




Wix is a well-known website builder with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface. While Wix does not support direct HTML editing, it does offer an HTML widget that lets you embed custom HTML code into your website. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to add a Coin List widget HTML to your Wix site.



1. Access Your Wix Editor:


First things first, sign in to your Wix account. Once logged in, navigate to the dashboard and choose the website you want to edit. Click on ‘Edit Site’ to open the website editor.



2. Find the HTML Widget:


From your Wix editor, click the ‘Add’ button on the left side. A menu will appear with various elements you can add to your site. Scroll down and find the ‘More’ option, then select ‘HTML iframe’ from the dropdown menu.



3. Add the HTML Widget to Your Site:


After selecting ‘HTML iframe,’ you can drag and drop the widget to the location of your choice. Remember, you can adjust the size and exact position of the widget as needed.



4. Input Your Coin List Widget HTML Code:


Click on the newly added HTML widget, then click ‘Enter Code.’ A dialog box appears where you can input your HTML code. Paste your widget HTML code into the box. After you’ve inserted the code, click ‘Apply’ to save your changes.



5. Preview and Publish:


Before publishing, preview your changes to ensure your crypto widget appears as expected. If everything looks good, you’re ready to publish. Just click ‘Publish’ at the top right corner of the Wix editor. Remember that changes to your live site may take a few minutes to appear, so don’t panic if you don’t see your widget immediately. Now, your visitors can view your Coin List on your Wix website, making your site more engaging and informative.






1. Login to your Joomla admin panel:


First, you need to log in to your Joomla admin panel. It is usually located at



2. Navigate to the Module Manager:


From your admin panel, navigate to Extensions > Modules. It will take you to the Module Manager, where you can manage all the modules on your site.



3. Create a new module:


Click on the New button to create a new module.



4. Choose Custom HTML module:


In the list of module types, select Custom HTML. This action will bring up the module details page.



5. Add your HTML code:


In the Custom Output box, paste your widget HTML code. Ensure you paste the code in the HTML mode. You can switch into this mode by clicking on the Toggle editor button.



6. Set module position and menu assignment:


Select the position where you want your widget to appear on your site from the Position dropdown. In the Menu Assignment tab, choose on which pages you want your widget to appear.



7. Save module:


Click the ‘Save’ or ‘Save & Close’ button to save your changes. Your Coin List widget should now be visible on your selected Joomla pages.

Always test your widget on different browsers and devices to check its looks and functions as expected.





Drupal is a robust and flexible CMS platform that caters to developers and non-developers alike. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to add our widget HTML to your Drupal website.



1. Log in to Your Drupal Website


To start, log in to your Drupal website. Navigate to the administrator section by adding /user/login at the end of your site’s URL.



2. Go to Structure


On your administration menu, click on ‘Structure’. This area is where you can manage and organize the content on your Drupal site.



3. Navigate to Blocks


Under the ‘Structure’ menu, you’ll find the ‘Blocks’ option. Click on it. Blocks are the smallest units of content that can be displayed on your site, and this is where we’ll add the widget HTML.



4. Add a New Block


On the ‘Blocks’ page, click ‘+ Add Block.’ This step will generate a new block where you can add your HTML code.



5. Enter Block Details


You’ll be asked to provide a Block description and select a Block type. For the description, use something descriptive like ‘Coin List Widget.’ For the type, select ‘Basic HTML.’



6. Add the HTML Code and Save the Block


In the ‘Body’ section, paste your widget HTML code. Ensure the text format is set to ‘Full HTML’ to allow your code to run correctly. Click on ‘Save’ to store your new block. It will now be available in the list of blocks that can be added to your site.



7. Assign the Block to a Region


To display your Block on your site, return to the ‘Blocks’ page and find your newly created block. Click on the ‘Configure’ link next to it. In the ‘Region Settings’ section, choose where on your site you want your block to appear.



8. Save Configuration and Preview


Once you’re happy with the placement, click ‘Save Block’ to finalize the setup. Before making changes live, preview your website to ensure the widget displays correctly. Once you’re happy with everything, you can publish your changes. Remember, adding HTML to your website should be done with care. Always back up your website and double-check any changes before making them live.


Coin List: A Powerful Crypto Tool for Websites

In the rapidly changing cryptocurrency sphere, staying updated with real-time information becomes necessary. Such free crypto widgets address this need by offering comprehensive data on various cryptocurrencies, enhancing your website’s function and appeal. More than just a tool for information, this widget serves as a magnet for a niche audience interested in the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, thereby boosting user engagement and increasing traffic. As detailed throughout this article, integrating this widget and others like crypto price tickers into your CMS platform is seamless and straightforward, making it accessible to seasoned web admins and beginners. By adopting the PlasBit crypto Coin List widget, you are capitalizing on the trend of digital currencies and ensuring your website stays relevant and dynamic in the fast-paced digital landscape. Embrace the power of cryptocurrencies, and let your website be the hub of information that digital currency enthusiasts rely on.

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